I’ve never really known what to say in these things, and I truly envy people who are able to describe themselves at the drop of a hat. You know those really put together, self-confidence of Beyoncé on stage simply by walking into a room, type of people. Well yeah…no, that’s not me.
I’m the girl walking awkwardly around the room pretending to be doing something, and when you ask me to describe myself I panic. I end up admitting to you, things such as “I’m afraid of all farm animals except horses; I really don’t like birds because of how they tend to look right through you, and I figure at the end of the day I’m really jealous of their ability to fly”.
All of that, of course, being said with only two breaths and no room for awkward silence. I like to finish off with one giant awkward silence at the end though, simply to perfectly piece together my social ingenuity, then shatter the silence with a bad joke when the cricket sounds become unbearable.
Now that I’ve embarrassed myself online for everyone to see (this will be a regular occurrence due to who I am as a person - so I’m simply preparing you). I guess I should tell you about myself, the stuff that sort of makes more sense.
I was born in uMlazi but grew up in a small beach town, on the South Coast called Amanzimtoti. Please excuse me if I accidentally call you dude and say the word ‘like’ waaay, too many times than grammatically allowed in a conversation. Forgive me, I went to a primary school where shoes were optional; during summer and the beach was a 2-minute walk down the hill.
For as long as I can remember my entire family has had this loving relationship with food. Every major decision, every gathering and every celebration has culminated in the kitchen. From my mom’s hearty beef stew with Jeqe (Steamed bread), my brothers Sunday morning fry up all the way to my dad’s boozy seafood bisque. With all these great culinary influences, how could I not become a chef right?
Well…no, after many years of soul searching, countless different career options and ideas, (sorry mom). I decided to stop running and turn to the obvious. I finally followed my passion; and studied Culinary Arts & Advanced Culinary Arts through the International Hotel School in Westville. Now this is where my love and insatiable appetite, for great food grew to new and unmeasurable heights.
Now that I’ve graduated and found my footing in the real world. I’d like to invite you to follow me as I embark on my personal culinary journey. I’ll be sharing some of my favourite recipes as well as a bad joke or two. I promise my food is one thousand times better than any of my jokes.
Much Love
Chef Wally